Holland Lop

Breed Characteristics
Though most Hollands you see are tort or broken tort, other fairly common colors include black, blue tort, sable point, orange, chestnut, chinchilla, frosty, and the broken versions of those varieties.
The rabbits’ size is not over 4 pounds.
The breed first appeared in America in 1975.
The Holland Lop is supposed to have a massive look, but be a small bunny.
The ears are short, thick, and round in shape.
Mini Lop

Breed Characteristics
The Mini Lop looks like a big plush toy: pudgy face, floppy ears, solid body, long soft coat, and a little extra skin here and there.
The head should be of “bulldog” shape – broad and massive, and on does is often pillowed on a large dewlap.
The Mini Lop is recognized in a number of colors, but like other lops is shown in two groups, broken pattern and solid pattern. The most common colors are chestnut agouti, opal, chinchilla, and steel.
Netherland Dwarf

Breed Characteristics
The Netherland Dwarf remains one of the most widely raised rabbit breeds in the United States.
Comes in many different colors.
Its size varies from 2 to 2½ pounds.
Should be long, lanky, and round.
New Zealand

Breed Characteristics
This rabbit is used in meat production more than any other single breed worldwide.
White is the most valuable variety for commercial purposes, and therefore is the most highly developed, most commonly seen, and most competitive color.
New Zealand Reds showed up first, and now black and broken are also recognized. Blue is on its way to acceptance as well.
The New Zealand breed emerged here in America.
Florida White

Breed Characteristics
As a meat animal, the Florida White is solidly built, packing 5 pounds of bunny on to a lightweight frame.
White is the only standard color.
The Florida White is a prime show animal as well.
The breed was developed in the 1960’s.
Florida Whites have fly back coats set in tight, sleek pelts.
Fuzzy Lop

Breed Characteristics
The Fuzzy Lop is a dwarf breed, carrying the dwarf gene which contributes to both the small size and the short, wide heads and bodies.
The small size, inquisitive personality, and easy-care coat makes the Fuzzy Lop suitable for a pet or show animal.
It comes in many different colors and is 4 pounds when it is fully grown.
Jersey Wooly

Breed Characteristics
The Jersey Wooly is one of the very few breeds that was developed primarily for the pet trade.
It has a very short body with a chunky head and small, upright ears.
The breed has a maximum senior weight of 3 ½ pounds.
The Wooly has become quite popular as a show animal as well.
Many colors are accepted including, Agouti, AOV, Self, Shaded, and Tan Pattern.

Breed Characteristics
This breed originated in Belgium and first made its appearance in the United States in 2000.
The five Lionheads that were first brought into Northern Minnesota were of very different varieties: a Silver Tipped Steel doe, a dark Siamese Sable buck (carrier of the Harlequin and Steel), a Harlequin (Black/Orange) doe, a Broken Chestnut Agouti buck and a Black sport buck (with a Dutch blaze, a carrier of the Vienna/BEW gene).
The Lionhead rabbit has a small, compact body, and the head is bold, yet not quite round from all sides, with well-developed muzzle.
Mini Rex

Breed Characteristics
A 3 ½-pound bunny with a sweet personality and a coat that feels like deep velvet.
Mini Rex fur sticks up nearly perpendicular to the body, and with good density feels plush and incredibly soft to the touch.
The Mini Rex standard recognizes well over a dozen colors, with more in development all the time. The most popular colors include black, broken, and castor.
Mini Rex in general have friendly temperaments.

Breed Characteristics
Recognized colors include: Amber, Black, Blue, Broken Group, Californian, Castor, Chinchilla, Chocolate, Lilac, Lynx, Opal, Otter, Red, Sable, Seal, White.
The coat of a Rex is much shorter and softer than the coat of a normal furred rabbit.
Sometimes referred to as “Standard Rex,” this breed has commercial body type, but is not quite large enough to be in the six-class breed category.
It weighs 8 to 9 pounds when full grown.

Breed Characteristics
Recognized colors include: black, blue, broken, Californian, chocolate, copper, otter, red, Siamese, and white.
The most impressive feature of the Satin breed is its amazing shiny coat.
Similar to satin cats and guinea pigs, the Satin gene in rabbits produces a hair shaft of finer diameter than normal fur, which causes a delightful silky texture.
Its size ranges from 9 to 11 pounds.

Breed Characteristics
Is a domestic rabbit bread from its long, soft wool.
It is one of the oldest types of domestic rabbits, originating from present day Turkey.
They first appeared in the United States in the 20th century.
There are many individual breeds of Angora rabbits, four of which are recognized by American Rabbit Breeders' Association (ARBA); they are English, French, Giant, and Satin.