The Michigan State Fair is located at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, Michigan. The Suburban Collection Showplace is conveniently located at 46100 Grand River Avenue, between Novi and Beck Roads in Novi, MI. Our facility can be accessed from I-96 at the Novi and Beck Road exits.
For up to date traffic information click here.

Enhanced parking options available on first come first serve basis at NO CHARGE! Upon entering the parking lot, you will be directed by the parking attendants as you enter to the nearest spot.
Parking in fire lanes, in front of marked exits, on islands, or any other non-paved areas will not be permitted at any time. The Suburban Collection Showplace reserves the right to tow, at owner's expense, any vehicle improperly parked on its site without prior notification. No overnight parking of any vehicle, truck, trailer etc. will be allowed without proper authorization.